I happened to present, I am Figo, part of the "staff" of The Song Remains The Same , blog entirely dedicated to music, the highest of the arts seems to me, and now owner and Orion finadito .
The thing is that the owner of this blog, with a gap to create posts and already "sick" to see the videos I upload the Feisbuk decided to do as River with Almeyda and offer for this week's blog to post things about music, what you want and how often you want ...
said, full demarcation of responsibility for the content of this blog the next day to the author and the blog itself, the views and concepts will be just mine ... Today
talk about a boy who is the essence of rock music in Argentina, Luis Alberto Spinetta.
I will not chronological, but this guy is part of one of the founding stones of native rock, with Almond, who along with Manal and Los Gatos were the first to bring these sounds to the beat out and Argentinized, back in the late 60s
Over the years had various bands like Rabid Fish, Invisible, Jade Spinetta, Spinetta and Desert Partners and projects 100% solo.
Featuring a sensitivity lacking in today's musicians and a huge knowledge of things that can make the music sound level and composition Hardy always did what he wanted and got comfortable with his poetic way (and sometimes not) of express with his music and lyrics.
To date, Spinetta played in small places, outside the common circuit of rock bands with fans everywhere and without publicity by the media bed, and always proved to be a person need not be inflated, or want to let it be ...
not need (as many artists here) to be better known in recent times by scandals, concerts, hanging, self-destructive attitude, stupid phrases or advertised rehabilitation, not harangue people like a football game, or do promising returns for a few million, or create a tribe itself showing shirts, banners and processions Irlo to see far less productive willing to put much money and stick to a band reaches the top.
is Flaco Flaco, and who does not like it there, but it's a living legend of rock argentino, no discussion possible.
There is a rumor about Flaco Spinetta confirmed that tap Velez on December 4, which will review issues of many of its bands with original members Rabid Fish, Invisible and Almond.
leave videos with songs from different bands that had the skinny:
Almendra - Rutas Argentinas
Rabid Fish - Post Crucifixion
Invisible - Durazno Bleeding
Spinetta Jade - Alma de Diamante
Spinetta and Partners of the Desert - Cheques
Spinetta - Continuing to live without your love
Abraxas! (Yes, bel let me use it for this week)
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