Friday, April 30, 2010

Toddler Birthday Sayings

greet the Librarian in the Labor Day

Greetings to all workers

The proximity May 1, Labour Day, we salute all our fellow workers libraries

This Saturday is a day of struggle and a tribute to the Martyrs of Chicago. These workers anarchists were executed in the United States for its participation in the days of struggle for the vindication of the right to eight-hour workday, which originated in the strike that began on May 1, 1886 and its peak three days later , May 4 in the Revolt of Haymarket (1 )

In these times where information is abundant and scarce knowledge and learning for the less fortunate, access to sources information literature, arts, communication tools, it becomes critical to avoid being marginalized in the social fabric.
libraries workers are knowledge workers . We can be responsible for facilitating access to information sources, opening the possibility of questioning the reality, to create spaces where literature and art are thirsty source for humanity, for proposing meeting spaces for the community where we work and facilitate the building of ties of solidarity.
In libraries, books, videos, magazines, maps, etc.. provided and not sold. That is a tip of this great ball for thinking about the role that libraries play in the capitalist system. Socialize information and not just turn it into good for our role in the economic board. Urge
think of ourselves as political and cultural as opposed to the concept of aseptic professional from hegemonic trends in schools of library and documentation related to the neoliberal thinking is trying to impose.

From the current work in libraries want this May 1st is a day of reflection on the potential underlying collective action to achieve the necessary changes towards a society with equality of opportunities.

current Collective Library Workers for Social Change

(1) Source: Wikipedia contributors. International Workers Day [online]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 2010 [date accessed: April 27, 2010]. Available at \u0026lt; C3% ADa_Internacional_de_los_Trabajadores & oldid = 36518558 >.

Monday, April 26, 2010

How To Put On Cheats On Pokemon Ruby Vba

The snake biting its tail


Reviewing this post blog titled end of science vs. religion, let in air, the following question:

"Today most scientists are atheists ... lead to a mystification of science?"

Finally, I can say that we facing a new danger Intelligent Design, stepping with enough force and a growing number of followers, but for me remains the same debate science or religion.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Candy From The Late 70s

On Saturday April 24, for more than nine hours, librarians and Library of Salta, Mar del Plata, Cordoba, Escobar, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires and the Federal Capital discussed the political, cultural work and workers in the industry. The debate was held at the National Library, in a pleasant atmosphere where all participants could debate and discuss freely, something rare in LIS conferences in our country.
issues were discussed as the International Brigade of Solidarity with the Librarians contribution of two librarians who participated in the same in Bolivia, the role of librarians in the national political situation and the need to organize.
Members of the Commission for the Union of Librarians, argued it is necessary to organize unions and the progress made so far. Stewards peers ATE / CONICET union shared their experiences. Also participated in the discussions Horacio González, who presented and discussed with librarians and library workers present the political role of libraries and their employees.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stomach Cramps And The Flu

Diagnosis of public libraries and institutional human rights workers in poverty populations

San Jose, Costa Rica. IIHR with the support of the Latin American human rights organizations linked to Human Rights Documentation and Information Systems, International (HURIDOCS), have been proposed to map libraries and documentation centers in institutions public and social and grassroots organizations working on human rights to people living in poverty.

This study, initiated in Central America in 2009, is now extended to other regions of Latin America. Both institutions objectives have been defined to locate the information services of institutions and organizations working in the area of \u200b\u200binterest to identify the sources of information on human rights in the region and establish their characteristics and needs.

This activity is expected to demonstrate the wealth of initiatives in the field of human rights information and achieve the systematization and accessibility of data to be shared later, to facilitate interorganizational relations and processes in each country in the region and beyond.

hereby invited to contribute to this activity to the social and popular organizations and institutions with bibliographic information services or files to contribute their data. The guest, of which the Word can be downloaded from the website of IIHR and saved with another name to open the document does not take much time or effort. Once completed, please send requests to this address: documentació .

Download questionnaire here. If the link does not work, copy it into your browser:

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