Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Fish Has A White Bump On His Head

s Thanks to everyone who helped make this meeting possible. For the exhibitors, generous in sharing their knowledge and experiences. Attendees, peer-too-believe that another library is possible. To those who donated their time, skills, disseminated and supported us forever.

Those who took photos and shared them. A photographers Sergio Cavazza and Veronírica (yes, that) of the Public Library in July Huasi.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sound Clips Of Southern Slang

"Libraries, changing times, policies and buildings

Thank you to all lecturers and assistants, collaborators, to all who attended and those who each day they work for another library possible!

Soon we will be publishing a summary of the conference, presentations and photos of the event.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Military Wrist Watch Traser Type6

Today 17 hours. You can listen live Syvum

In the "Game of Words" Radio Mar del Plata Homes share the previous 3 º Encuentro.

invite you to listen live if you're turning on the radio or internet near www.radioresidencias.com.ar

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Swimwear Ottawa Stores

Happy pride day primate.

The scientific explanation of human origins deeply upset the creationists. Why have ridiculed the idea of \u200b\u200b "descended from a monkey" , but even worse, have sought to belittle and misrepresent the knowledge that has been obtained from the fossil record, using the scientific illiteracy and promoting it.

The idea that humans descended from a nonhuman primate, or more colloquially, a monkey or an ape has been strongly attacked by the religious. Not because the theory is not science, but because it contradicts religious dogma.

Misinformation and misrepresentation have revolved around of how evolution works ("if evolution is correct, why there still apes?), the importance of transitional fossils (no" missing links ", nineteenth-century home misnomer), and genetic testing showing evolutionary relationship to infer the time when the lineages diverged.

What cope with this wave of misinformation and frontal attack? The first thing is to fight for greater public understanding of science. Statements and creationist texts show that most people do not know the facts and is ill-conceived ideas about what evolution is and how occurs. Only in education is the solution to scientific illiteracy.

is important to take a day of protest for science, a day that biologists and paleontologists to draw attention to our origins, about the scientific effort to know our place in nature, and in exposing creationist pseudoscience.

Without Gods offers apply on November 24 for this purpose. Why this date? Because a Nov. 24 there were two keys to understanding our origins and our place in nature: the publication of the Origin of Species, in 1859 and the discovery of Lucy in 1974. On we propose would be called "Day of pride primate"

Our hope is that biologists, paleontologists and rationalists generally join in this celebration by making public the following statement:

1. We are proud members of the order of primates. The inclusion in the group of primates is not only a taxonomic but also reveals the evolutionary relationship we have with the other primates.

2. We are proud of "descent from an ape." Not an actual ape species, but an extinct ape, but to ape after all. We are not ashamed of our evolutionary origin.

3. We want to acknowledge the work of paleontologists who have helped to decipher our evolutionary origins and wish to continue developing the work of paleontologists, and the dissemination of their research.

4. We want to acknowledge all biologists and conservationists working to help conserve species of apes.

5. We declare that human beings are not separate from nature, but we are part of nature, as we relate to it in the ecological interactions and our evolutionary origin.

6. express we are proud to be hominids, and that our closest relatives are the African apes. Comparative anatomy and genetics shows the phylogenetic relationship and this fact does not make us less like human beings.

7. We knowledge of human origins that reveals the science is available in all schools and denounce the blockade that make it religious fundamentalist groups.

8. express the opposition made by creationists regarding the relationship of humans with other primates and our evolution is scientifically dishonest and responds only to doctrinal concerns. Creationists have a right to believe whatever they want but can not pretend to ignore the fossil evidence, or DNA, or to pass their religious beliefs as an explanation at the same level of science.

Source: http://blog-sin-dioses.blogspot.com/2010/08/sindioses-propone-el-dia-del-orgullo.html

Sunday, November 21, 2010

After Inguinal Surgery My Stomach Bloats

Tigre's Day militancy militant act in Tigre Tigre

leaders and militants of the Front for Victory held yesterday Tigre "Day of Militancy." They affirmed their loyalty to the national and popular model who heads President Cristina Fernandez. The event, organized by the Front for Victory Tigre, attended by hundreds of activists from diverse areas Kirchner.
The activity began with a march which started from the Shipyard Astarsa, then mobilization moved up the avenue Italy and from there march to the River Station, then took Cazón Avenue, ending in the plaza of the Fire. There was the main event which paid tribute to the former president and former head of the National Council of PJ Nestor Kirchner.
Remember that Day is celebrated in honor of the Peronist November 17, 1972, when a crowd, estimated at millions, moved to Ezeiza to welcome Juan Domingo Peron to return home after 17 years in exile. Carmen Salcedo
Lizuan concerning the Front for Victory - Tigre, stated that "the militancy in Tigre is very active, seeking opportunities for participation and the Front for Victory is a coherent option of social and ideological commitment. "
In Day celebrations were also present Militant Party representatives, activists, union and union concerning, with former council members and national officials.
Notably, the convening organizations were, among others: Frente para la Victoria de Tigre, Current National People's Association The Campora, Agrupación HILL, Transversal Front National People's Land and Housing Federation, October Movement, Guemes Association, Central Argentine Workers, Peronist Youth of the Province of Buenos Aires, Committee of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared Group June 12, Agrupación envar The Kadri, Argentine Union of Nurses, Association Partners Tigre, Islander Union Association, Councilmen Green List Unit, public libraries, Revolutionary Peronist Movement, JP Descamisados \u200b\u200bCommission Interdisciplinary Social Inclusion Partnership Cumpas for Victoria.

Front for Victory

Portable Guitar Pre-amplifier

Tribute to Néstor.Dirigentes and members of the Frente para la Victoria de Tigre held yesterday the "Day of Militancy." They affirmed their loyalty the national and popular model who heads President Cristina Fernandez. The event, organized by the Front for Victory Tigre, attended by hundreds of activists from diverse areas Kirchneristas.La activity began with a march which started from the Shipyard Astarsa \u200b\u200bafter mobilization Avenue moved to Italy and from there march to the River Station, then took Cazón Avenue, ending in the plaza of the Fire. There was the main event which paid tribute to the former president and former head of the National Council Nestor PJ Kirchner.Recordemos held Peronist Day in honor of the November 17, 1972, when a crowd, estimated at millions, moved to Ezeiza to welcome back Juan Domingo Peron in the country after 17 years of exilio.Carmen Lizuan Salcedo, concerning the Front for Victory - Tigre, stated that "the militancy in Tigre is very actively seeks opportunities for participation and the Front for Victory is a coherent option of social and ideological commitment. "celebrations in the Militant Day were also present representatives of the Party, militant unions and union concerning, with former council members and nacionales.Cabe officials noted that the convening organizations were, among others: Frente para la Victoria de Tigre, National Power Popular Group The Campora, Agrupación HILL, Transversal Front National People's Land and Housing Federation, October Movement, Guemes Association, Central de Trabajadores Argentinos, Peronist Youth of the Province of Buenos Aires, Committee of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees, Group 12, June, Group envar The Kadri, Argentine Union of Nurses, Association Partners Tigre, Islander Union Association, Councilmen Green List Unit, public libraries, Revolutionary Peronist Movement, JP Descamisados, Committee on Interdisciplinary Social Inclusion Partnership for Victoria.FRENTE Cumpas FOR

High School Graduation Centerpiece Ideas Homemade

Day of Tribute to Militancy and Nestor Kirchner in March

In yesterday's Day was celebrated Militant. The appointment was in the Plaza San Martin in central Tigre, about 200 militants came up there to celebrate the day of the militant and Néstor Kirchner honor until that day had not been honored. The event began with the words of Comrade Carmen Salcedo said that among other things ... "We believe this group of peers, that Tigre has not shown proper respect to our colleague Néstor Kirchner, who gave his life to deepen this model" ... and remarked that "Nestor and Cristina showed it was possible to rescue policy and today millions of young people raised the flags of the National Project. "After the words of Comrade Salcedo was honored and recognized militants history of our city of Tigre. Among those mentioned are: Richard Barbieri, who chairs the militant environmentalist NGO Green Tigre and writes the blog El Tigre Verde , Lorenzo Olarte, historical partner of the resistance, a militant of the CGT, Rufina a parish catechist Gaston, Virginia Baldo teaching middle school literature Pacheco working in Youths and Memory Project, neighborhood social activist Nancy Alte Brown, Eduardo Lobo intregrante National Stream Peronist unionism, among others. And project is complete and a video tribute to Nestor Kirchner. While this act passed nearby, more precisely around the corner, on Av Cazón PJ headquarters in Tigre, another meeting was conducted with militants and former militants PJ Community Action. We all know that beyond Sergio Massa again approach the national government, yet there is a communion with whom we identify from the outset with Kirchnerism. This was always so, maybe the times change, and once and for all, the National People's model has its representation in Tigre, makes it much needed. Tigre


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shooting Pain Down Front Of Neck

tribute to Nestor Kirchner

Front For Victoria de Tigre invites the community to participate in the commemoration of the Militant that will take place next November 17 at 18 pm.
mobilization Astarsa \u200b\u200bdepart from the shipyard (Solís s / n), tour the historic downtown to finish with a tribute to teammate Nestor Kirchner, on the square of the Fire.
The call is addressed to those who believe that from citizen participation in politics can transform social reality.

Images Of Ontario Driving License

Caravan Militancy in Tigre

In 2008 the 125 hit hard in the administration of Cristina Kirchner. That same year, in the 2009 elections an unknown Nestor beat Colombian Kirchner in the election for deputies. The opposition, the link table, the group A, etc. , Were jubilant. Assumed that the government had at the edge of the nock out.
Those who were defending, and defend this model we learned to take a moment of reflection. It was all very clear. The powerful media machine aligned with the corporations had done theirs. But it was just a little bubble that lasted.
Despite the many decisions of the government of Nestor Kirchner, who rescued the country from the vicissitudes of 2002, an important sector of society had not yet grasped the magnitude of the changes that were taking place to rebuild a nation devastated by decades of neo liberalism.
Then, from above, with the new impulses of the government of Cristina Kirchner, as the broadcasting law, the universal allowance for children, social policies, etc.. continued without hesitation in the deepening of the model. Néstor Kirchner, from the plain, attacked without hesitation in all national and international fronts. Ferro
The call surprised with a large participation of not only social movements but young people looking for a place to express their support for the stage began in 2003. The bicentennial celebration ended crowded sweep the doomsday scenarios.
Here in Tigre, from the foot, we realize that we should also redouble participation. On August 17 last were called numerous groups and movements to form the Frente para la Victoria de Tigre. We fill a void that the membership of the district came to need. Since then we have consolidated a place where, in addition to sharing the experiences that each performs on the territorial aspect, political, cultural, human and union rights, we Concrete proposals that the national government is promoting.
In this way, 17 November, the day of the Militant, and had determined to make a trailer and a public event in Tigre in celebration of this event and to honor the sacrifice of fellow Astarsa \u200b\u200bin the years of the process.
now also add the commitment to realize the legacy of Comrade Nestor Kirchner.

Counter Strike Source Launch Properties

Invitation: Day 17 NOVEMBER

"The only possibility for the militant is this beautiful possibility is again among us and we give a welcome hopeful: territorial. You gain the street. We have to win the street. The policy is now coming home. " José Pablo Feinmann

Front for Victory Tigre invites the community to participate in the commemoration of the militants who held on November 17 at 18 pm in the historic downtown Tigre.
To this effect will be a march will leave from the Shipyard Astarsa, Solis s / n, then the movement will move to Italy Avenue and from there march to the River Station, then take Cazón Avenue, ending in the square Firefighters where there will be a tribute to teammate Nestor Kirchner.
Remember that Day is celebrated in honor of the Peronist November 17, 1972, when a crowd, estimated at millions, moved to Ezeiza to welcome Juan Domingo Peron to return home after 17 years in exile.
One of the main references of the Frente para la Victoria - Tigre, Lizuan Carmen Salcedo, a member of Human Rights, convened to "mobilize with joy and conviction that the profound transformation that began Néstor Kirchner and President Cristina Fernandez continues our reach to the last of the people of Tigre."
The call is addressed to those who believe that from citizen participation in politics can transform social reality.
Notably, the convening organizations include, among others: Frente para la Victoria de Tigre, current National People's Association The Campora HILL Association, National People's Front Transversal, Land and Housing Federation Movement Octobers, Guemes Association, Central de Trabajadores Argentinos, Peronist Youth of the Province of Buenos Aires, Committee of Relatives of Detained and Disappeared Group June 12, Agrupación envar The Kadri, Argentine Union of Nurses, Association Partners Tigre, Islander Union Association, Councilmen Green List Unit, public libraries, Revolutionary Peronist Movement, JP Descamisados, Committee on Interdisciplinary Social Inclusion Partnership Cumpas for Victoria.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Diaper Rash Female Toddlers

"Libraries, changing times, policies and buildings: 3 and 4 December in the National Library

The event was declared of Cultural Interest by the National Library and the Ministry of Education's

Adhere: National Library - Central Library Universidad Nacional de Mar Plate - Directorate General of Cultural Heritage eInstituto Historic City of Buenos Aires - Foundation for the Study of Argentine and Latin American Thought (FEPAI) -Library and Archives of the LegislativaPlurinacional Assembly of Bolivia - International Brigade Solidariasde Librarians and Archivists - Círculode Library Studies and Social Policy, Mexico (CEBI) - Cuban Librarians in the "Cuba Courage" - AT E / CONICET - Ministry of Culture APU (Staff Association UniversitarioUNMP) - Social Studies Group in Library and Information Science (GESBI) - Radio programs "Smugglers of Knowledge and " word games " - Institute of Teacher Training and Technical No. 15 - Popular Library "Garden City - Biblioteca Popular" Pocho Lepratti " - Pro-Union Assembly Library - Library Professor" William Obiols "Faculty of Humanities and Sciences UNLP Education - School of Library Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (IdiHCS) Universidad Nacional de La Plata / CONICET

Day Program Friday December 3, 2010

Program on Saturday December 4, 2010

Free admission - will deliver certificates of attendance
Confirm your attendance by sending an e-mail to bibliotecarioslatinoamericanos@gmail.com , limited room capacity.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

If You Have Eczema Can You Join The Navy

From Current Workers for Social Change Library express our deepest sorrow for the death
Nestor Kirchner, who guided our country through difficult times, we believe that is everyone's job to continue the struggle and continue to make this country the place that we all deserve.

In 2005, during the presentation of the book "Living Word" in the International Book Fair, the former President of Argentina, Nestor Kirchner, read the poem "I would like remember "by Joaquin Enrique Areta.

I remember me not mourn or grieve
wanted to be remembered for having made inroads
to have marked a path for excited

soul because they felt loved, protected and
helped because I interpreted his desire
because channeled his love.
I want to remember me by the laughter of happy security of the just
suffering of the poor.
I remember me with pity for my mistakes
with understanding my weaknesses
lovingly by my virtues,
if not, I'd rather forgotten about, which will be the toughest punishment for not fulfilling my duty as a man.

Living Word The book is a compilation of texts of writers and writers who disappeared during the military dictatorship. Contains texts of 71 of these 32 authors and biographical data are published only because it has been impossible so far to find their texts.

The Society of Writers and Writers of the Argentina-SEA-made work of three years to collect the texts and biographies of the writers and supported the sitematización made CONABIP by the SEA and helped with editing.


How Much Do Vintage Cameras Cost

militancy CARAVAN

We leave
Astarsa \u200b\u200b(Solis and ways of Tren de la Costa)

18 pm.
For Solis - Italy - River Station - Dogfish - Sarmiento - Square Fire-
Concentration and act commemorating the day the Militant

Front for Summons Victoria de Tigre People's National Project

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Frog Charms Sold In Bulk

Militancy Evidence on these cases of complicity case management-militarEl

The first shipyard facilities and metallurgical facility in Tigre established during the 1920's, although the company was incorporated as a corporation under the name Astarsa \u200b\u200bin years' 40, with the majority shareholders at the Company Importer and Exporter of Patagonia, family owned Braun Menéndez, and Estrabou y Cia. According to available estimates, the company employed in the mid 70's about 1,500 workers, of whom about 800 were metalworkers, and 700 were naval. [1 ] Although wages in the company were relatively high, given that most skilled workers performed tasks, the work was carried out in appalling sanitary conditions: "The incessant hammering on sheet metal and air noise populated deaf. The toxic fumes from paints and welding material produced various degrees of lung disease complexity. The cases of sterility and accidents with autogenous welds were frequent. An officer coppersmith, for example, working wearing heavy leather clothing for protection from sparks in environments over 50 degrees of heat inside the watertight compartments of the ships which are too small for gas focus with ease. "[ 2 ]
Between 1971 and 1973, a group of young workers who entered the work at the plant began to question the very poor working conditions and poor union representation offered by the Union of Workers in Shipbuilding (SOIN). Formed a group, which was submitted to election in late 1972 under the name Brown List. Although in the first instance the actions of the group was limited, and several members of the list were dismissed by the company, a series of accidents (which were not such, but were explained by poor working conditions and the absence total of adequate medical care) that culminated in the deaths of several workers, led to a growing movement by all workers, culminating in a shot from the establishment in May 1973, coinciding with the assumption of government by Héctor Campora.
Between 1973 and 1975, the group that even took the name of Jose Maria Alessio (The name of one of the workers killed in an "accident" at the factory) still stand for election as Brown List, won an impressive progress in the representation of workers, many union gains, among which included the creation of Commission Health and Safety Workers, connected with the Institute of Occupational Medicine and the National Technological University, and the establishment of close relations with other workers in other factories in the north. As a result of their actions, and his membership in the JTP (Peronist Youth Worker) in 1975 several of the activists were kidnapped by paramilitary groups and were savagely tortured, although the intense mobilization of workers in factories and neighboring Tigre secured their release. In January 1976 continued abductions, and in February found dead three militants, totally disfigured.
The day of the coup, on March 24, 1976, military forces commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Molinari, who served in the Engineering School of Campo de Mayo, sealed off the entrance to Astarsa, Mestrina and Forte, tankers war, assault vehicles and helicopters in an operation that lasted until the next day. With the consent of the company, who willingly allowed their presence and assisted in their identification, arrested about 60 workers, who led the Police 1 st of Tigre. According to the testimonies of workers who survived, the military had precise instructions, the first of which was to dismantle the body of delegates and the internal committee. In addition to those killed or kidnapped, it is estimated that 16 of the workers and delegates are still missing until now.
Rampoldi Jorge's case illustrates the close relations between companies, sectors of the unionism and the military bureaucracy. Rampoldi, member of the CNU (National University Concentration, right-wing university organization) was employed in an administrative charge of the office Astarsa \u200b\u200bstaff, to which then joined his role as legal advisor to the SOIN (union of naval bureaucratic trend), and finally participating in the intervention of the union. In trials carried out in Italy regarding disappearances in Argentina during the military dictatorship involved him as one of those responsible for the disappearance and murder of two workers of Astarsa, Martino Mastinú, called "Tano" by their peers and his brother Mario Marras, they called "the Tanito." [3 ]
Moreover, a group of workers Astarsa \u200b\u200bsurvivors, upon learning in 2003 of the appointment of Rampoldi (Who formerly had served as deputy Carlos Ruckauf work in the Province of Buenos Aires) as National Director of Migration, made a presentation to the Human Rights Commission of the National Congress, which led to the convening of hearings in July and August 2003. Both the presentation and the audience it was reported that both Rampoldi like other members of the union's intervention had been identified as members of groups Astarsa \u200b\u200bkidnapped workers and their families. In particular, he was accused of intervening in the kidnapping of Aldo Ramírez worker, who was taken to a concentration camp located in Campo de Mayo, where he was savagely tortured and then exposed to other hostages. [4 ] also noted that the March 16, 1976, after the wife of one of the workers was kidnapped, a group of workers went to the personnel office to notify Astarsa \u200b\u200bwhat happened Rampoldi and require their cooperation to locate it. According to testimony, Rampoldi replied: "You do not exist, do not realize? Now when we want the cagamos dead. "
[ 1] The primary source used to reconstruct the Astarsa \u200b\u200bcase is the investigation by the historian Federico Lorenz (part of which is contained in his article" The naval workers Tigre. Union membership in a context of confrontation "military", "Journal Armed Struggle No. 2. Buenos Aires: March to May 2005). Another important source in this case is the oral history program carried out by Memoria Abierta on Astarsa \u200b\u200brepression.
[ 2 ] Lorenz (2005), 74.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Find Littmann Stethoscope In Chicago

Tea Party and creationism. Two hundred years

As you must know if you're reading the news we come from the U.S. will note that is winning a political movement and "cultural" commonly called Tea Party. Among other things promote creationism and deny evolution, I found this link to several videos where the representative of the movement tells us what he thinks about evolution.

If Darwin lifted his head ...


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Silver Strike 2009 Cheats

Librarian @ HAPPY DAY!

To all those who believe that another library is possible, and add to their daily work, a bit to make it reality.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Liefheit Board Covers

Towards a national policy for Reading: National Reading Council

Aug. 18 was presented National Reading Council in a ceremony that was configured as an important strategic move towards the establishment of a national reading policy. Importantly
agencies comprising the National Reading Council are the Ministry of Education, through the National Reading Plan, the National Library of Teachers and National Education Map ", the Ministry of Culture, the National Protected Popular Library (CONABIP) Homes Program Books and Cultural Information System of Argentina (SINC) - The Ministry Social Development, Food Security Plan, Early Years and Families Program and Nutrition ", the Ministry of Health-Early Years", the Ministry of Labour, Argentina SE Radio and Television and the National Library.
From Current Library Workers for Social Change , we welcome the establishment of the National Reading Council, an organization that realizes the state's interest in the cultural development of our people. Working with reading as a process of cultural appropriation and production is our daily task as librarians. Any action that encourages the promotion and deepening their own practice as a mechanism subjectivities and free criticism is welcome.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Waterproof Sand Poly Floors

Community Library as a promoter of

share information of interest:

Elprograma paraarmar Library dela Government of Buenos Aires City and Community Activities profile area dela National Library RepúblicaArgentina hanabierto registration for Day "community as a promoter you visited l social development."
Elobeid of the meeting is subjective reflection upon and discussion about the role of and reading in our country bibliotecascomunitarias .
also sepropone creating an environment that allows to know diversasexperiencias reading and build bridges between Sufficient to support strategies tareasconjuntas common and continuously.
The Jornadacontará with participationof readingand outstanding specialists, social development, cultural policy task ydel librarian quienesexpondrán their work experiences .

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How Does Cervix Feel Day Before Period

social development committees and Summary of the 2nd Coming

now available "working committees" to participate and the summary of the "2nd Meeting of the current Library Workers for Social Change"

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Best Zoofilia Zoofilia......?

Soon estaremos publicando:
  • Resúmenes y ponencias de la 2da Reunión
  • Fotos del encuentro
  • Formación de comisiones, temas y formas de participación

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Internal Usb Header Card

Towards the 2nd Meeting - Final Program

El próximo viernes 30 se realizará la 2da Reunión de la Corriente.
Se suma a la programación:

Historia oral y bibliotecas. Los archivos orales, su importancia. Bibliotecas y archivos orales: una experiencia de bibliotecas de Barcelona” A cargo de: Laura Benadiba y Luis Úbeda Queralt.

Laura Benadiba es Directora del Programa de Historia Oral de ORT y especialista in the methodology of oral history. Participated in the XVI International Oral History Conference held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 7 to 11 July 2010 and Coordinator of the Oral History Program of the Center for Educational Documentation and Information (CENDI) of the Directorate General of Culture and Education (Planning) of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina Úbeda

Queralt a degree in Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona (UB). Archivist and Head of the Department of Oral Sources of Barcelona Historical Archive. Member and Archivists Without Borders aid worker, specializing in Oral History Project collaborates with the organization and access the documentation of the Latin American military dictatorships

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Da Porcelain Veneers Vinci

sharing options ...

If you can not come personally participated by sending your opinion on CEBI note that we will discuss, by mail to bibliotecarioslatinoameric

other hand will be able to work / contribute in the working committees that are to form on Friday July 30 during the meeting.

production committees comprise the content of the meeting to end of the year. Stay up informed, get involved! The construction of this space belongs to everyone!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Is Drinking Alcohol Bad While Breastfeeding

Preliminary Program of the 2nd Meeting 2nd Meeting Towards

Letter Of Condolence Church

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Im 31 And I Have Fabroids

I came back! But including Moving!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Herpes On Nose Duration

Readings for next meeting

Dear colleagues, the meeting text to come work on the "Study Circle on Library and Social Policy (CEBI) developed from Mexico to the current. We thank the authors
: Felipe Meneses Tello and Oscar Corzo May be made available to this group intellectual work allowing us to "shred" and mean some concepts that seem encrypted ...
request preliminary reading of the text in order to maximize the time of the meeting.

Organizing Group - Current
Library Workers for Social Change -------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------


Felipe Meneses Tello May
Óscar Corzo

First, members of the Circle of Library Studies and Social Policy (CEBI) sent from Mexico, cordial greetings and solidarity to the current Library Workers for Social Change. We hope that this first meeting will be fruitful in order to begin to build a solid foundation, a force of library workers in the Republic of Argentina, a territory where reading and information services collectively have made significant progress through the remarkable development libraries, such as the popular character.

The search for alternatives for those who embody library institutions is consistent, no doubt, a process known as social change, which, as we understand it, tends towards changing social structure, ie, points to the innovation of relations between institutions and social groups that make up society.

librarians, professionals and assistants, so that we influence the processes involved can motivate social change through the diversity of economic, political, social, ideological and cultural factors that directly or indirectly affect our job.

often read, see and hear that libraries are institutions that contribute to social change. This is true because they contribute to the transformation and social development. The history of these public spaces, free and free for all community residents, is clear in this regard. But you have to add that library facilities are also agents of political change. James Thompson, in his book Power Library, says that libraries, from a general perspective, "are instruments of social and political change." However, libraries are not only devices that promote social change but also are a product of social and political changes that have occurred over time.

In this perspective, libraries and social change are two correlated phenomena. The library center is designed to be present at all stages and relationships that make social life and individual people. In this way, it works around the world to become library institutions and consolidate a social force, capable of producing changes in the different layers and institutions that make up the organization in society. From this angle, the libraries are symbols of important social changes, are cultural drivers that can cause significant changes in citizen behavior in the different spheres of society and the state. So libraries are still in keeping with advances in technological and scientific knowledge as a factor and purpose of social change. From this perspective, they are, in effect, an institutional source of change, however, by virtue of their nature, are also subject to different processes of social and political changes. In this situation, librarians are the minority protagonists, and most are mere observers of these changes.

The model considers the library as an element of social change is built on the conviction that these institutions can produce significant impacts on society through access and free use of the collections and to develop information services that manage library workers. Acts of professional and support staff work together to involve social action. Consequently, library workers are invited to participate actively en el fomento del cambio social y político. Y así es porque somos personas constitutivamente sociales y políticas; porque las bibliotecas y quienes las hacemos funcionar no estamos al margen de lo social ni fuera de lo político; porque, en fin, las bibliotecas sirven en un entramado de política social. En razón de esto, necesitamos esforzarnos para crear foros de diálogo, círculos de estudio, grupos de intercambio de ideas, centros de formación política, clubes de debate comunitario, entre otros mecanismos de reflexión y acción, de praxis bibliotecaria. La práctica bibliotecaria (biblioteconomía) es tanto social como política porque reconoce e involucra valores, proyectos, actos y utopías that reproduce, legitimize, question and change the dominant relationships that prevail in society library work has never been nor is or shall be neutral, it always has been, is and will be in favor of the oppressor or the oppressed, domination or liberation. Nuances this.

Traditionally, in the professional field has been imposed perception tends to identify libraries as institutions "neutral." That is, on the assumption that libraries must be entities inclusive, open, where to avoid (or minimize) the contradictions and conflicts of class, gender, political affiliation, sexual orientation, religious belief. Thus, we have implemented a model that avoids controversial aseptic or representation of breaks. Everything concerning political, social commitment, ideological identity, often being reduced to the contents of the texts under the responsibility of their authors, conveniently located off the shelves and filing cabinets. This suggests that libraries and their staff are just actors, and actors ever, incomplete projections of reality.

While the above is not necessarily a negative event as libraries seek, generally, never marginalize or exclude on the grounds of dogma or prejudice if it is at the time that groups or individuals (including library staff) show the need for change, or simply participate in any civic or rupture. This is where the aseptic institutional modeling tends to be an expression of immobility, permanence conservative, non-action, denying in practice the same support of the library as a social institution. This is evident in many libraries
installed in marginalized areas, populated urban areas or rural communities. The libraries are identified, no doubt, as "beacons of knowledge" or "islands of knowledge" and as such, isolated from their social circumstances, except those that have been created or maintained by a community or group that promotes or participates in social change actions (Unions, community, work groups or nongovernmental organizations).

social participation of libraries is then reduced to a presence of no consequence, although almost all put on their slates multi-activity programs, well regarded, are part of taking positions on issues related to political or civic exercises. However, to be signed under the framework of non-use or critical praxis of some kind of contamination is not personal opinions or collective reflection, the potential benefactor and change is diluted by the institutional correction. And then, the libraries are reduced to windows (some, indeed, very beautiful) that reflect the environment but do not allow it takes ownership of the institution to represent scenarios where uncritical versions, correct, immaculate even reality.

What then? The solutions do not seem to be easy. The boundary between good intentions, commitments, the need for change and demagoguery, is very thin. The boundary between personal opinion and pontification, individual choice and collective choice, the decision of the party and the common interest, may also be fragile. There are also ingredients such as should be, the kindness of ideology, or the spirit of support that can undermine the best programs of solidarity and social participation. Urge then define the nature, meaning, direction and how libraries and social commitments take collective participation, beyond the romantic views of personal ambition and the limelight that often end in authoritarian exercise of power and control, so call or proclaim "revolutionary." Urge decision to create a library of twenty-first century may not be as isolated as an island, but is built like a cell and an array of ongoing social action.

social behavior of us library workers must be based on values such as cooperation, solidarity, respect for differences, freedom, equity, equality, and justice. Our work is guided by these values \u200b\u200bthat reject the social exclusion they grow, hence the inclusion. Today is inevitable a new paradigm of library work, the same that is based on a theory of principles, social ethics, necessity of deep and widespread social changes, not only guided by the series of technical processes which undervalues \u200b\u200bthe social and political role both the library and those who make it function as a public good. Thus, library practice requires a cultural revolution that will help drive along with other cultural practices, social change aimed at the gestation of the emancipation of women and men.

The fight against social exclusion should be in favor of economic, social, ethnic, cultural and political, but not only of library users, but also of librarians. This struggle involves making collective action against, for example, segregation, unemployment, discrimination against minorities, gender harassment, denial of opportunity, legal obstacles and the marginalization of users and library staff. Social and political battles that challenge the social order Founded in evils like injustice, domination and huge inequalities. Struggles, therefore, based on actions that break the unjust preset schemes. Librarians can not and must remain on the sidelines of the disputes which means social change.

problems of libraries, as a result of the employees of these, are always social and political problems, having to do with the world every day we strive to build through the service and coping with the various communities of readers and users with society. In difficult times the actions of alternative organization, collective work, both in theory and in practice are preponderant. The sum of points of view and individual and collective efforts can point to the motto: "building projects for social change." These actions should be public policy aspirations. Without this kind of social actions, there can be no such social movements and social change movements there. Consistent with this, we suggest progressive slogan is: Service, Labour and Social Change!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How Long Will Home Fire Extinguisher Last Unused

I leave a new item: http:/

/ www.publico.es/ciencias/198450/doscientos/anos/negando/charles/darwin

Phrases In Spanish Funny

Next Meeting:

Objective: To agree the next meeting place

Dear colleagues, we are organizing the next meeting of the current Library Workers for Social Change to be held in the week of 26 to 30 July (day to be confirmed subject to room availability). At the previous meeting we convened from different locations: Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Rosario, Córdoba, Jujuy, which means (in addition to an immense joy in sharing experiences with colleagues from different places) that the interest to build a space thinking about doing in our political and cultural context crosses provincial boundaries.
For the second meeting we consult with you which of these places are more appropriate for the meeting: 1-National Library
- Federal Capital
2-La Plata
3-La Matanza

invite you to vote by one of three places in our Blog: http://bibliotecariosporel cambiosocial.blogspot.com / entering comments. Close of voting: Friday June 25 at 18 pm.
Thank you all for participating! Organizing Group

Library Workers for Social Change

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Brown Pocka Dot Prett

denying Darwin Creation Moments

I leave the link of this web fully creationist, and puts more vs creation . evolution. Clearly trying to give as scientific creationism.

express opinions and draw your own conclusions.


Friday, June 4, 2010

Men's Volleyball Jerseys

refers not to the securitization of teachers in school libraries, Librarians Union by Commission of Buenos Aires



The province of Entre Rios has a long tradition of training of librarians through various universities in public and private management.
A recent decision of provincial level, the 2545/09 http://www.docentes entrerrianos. com / gallery / Download-Resolution% C3% B3n-09.pdf 2545_ enables a large number of variants of the title of librarian. And for your appointment a ladder, which divides into three tiers for primary and secondary (an educational, enabling and residual character.) In these two levels sought teaching qualification along with the title of librarian. And he proposes as penultimate option, or if no that this complies with the titles ordered, enabling any teacher with training in librarianship at a minimum of 160 hours. The latter option enables any teacher to fill the post of librarian.
Until there is a way to solve the coverage of charges, in a considered and promoting respect for the specific training and continuous updating.

In recent days, a group of teachers uses a tried putting an appeal, requesting that they recognize the training as a training Aguapey library a. (Aguapey is a management software, driven by national BNM, which was created LIS with international standards and formats, which requires expertise, as well as library science approach to form and manage a database can be shared). The training software is for use, not a library. Aguapey
To consider, as a librarian training course, we would be witnessing a breakdown of what the formation of a librarian and distorting the mission and objectives of the Specialist Schools and Libraries Program of the Republic of Argentina (Resolution 432/06) http: / / www.bnm. me.gov.ar / redes_federales / bera / institution to / rules / docs/res432. pdf where at any time speaks of "form" librarians, but to systematize, standardize and network upgrading and training in the use of software to librarians, who have already acquired expertise LIS during the race.
also jeopardizes the possibility of competition librarians authorization certificates, contradicting the order of priorities set out in Resolution 2545/09, for the past (just to add length and score) would be in the first place. Resulting in a violation of the rights of school library workers, who agreed to their positions, with specific titles and enabling recognized by the same Pcia, meaning through the director General Education Council of Entre Rios, Ms. Grace Bar and set an unfortunate and dangerous precedent, because desautorizarí instances of the education system judicialized an issue that can and should be resolved within the system.

need to publicize and support to fellow librarians from Entre Ríos who see their opportunities for competition, for selfish interests and unfounded.
trust, but also demand that the education authorities of the Province, resolved without contradiction to what they themselves have signed, taking into account specific training, authorization certificates, which recognize the vocation investment of time, effort and training of librarians who chose to be far more than 160 hours of alleged training.

The Commission of the Union of Librarians of the Province of Buenos Aires submit this document to provincial authorities.

If you agree to accompany the claim with your Full Name and forwards mail to the list of union

if it were not

Email Addresses group
Send message sindicalizandonos@gruposyahoo.com.ar

securitization LIBRARY CHARGES

Thursday, May 20, 2010

1 Year Old Birthday Candle Singapore

On the other Bicentennial, the Peoples Bicentennial

We want to share with you this call made by "Assembly of the Other Bicentennial"
http:// elotrobicentenarioeldelospueblos.blogspot.com /

Monday, May 24

10am Opening Ceremony and overall presentation

activities and panel discussions: 12 hours

socio-environmental Fight

14 hours 200 years of struggle and resistance of women in Latin America

16 hours 's History (with the presence of Osvaldo Bayer)

18 hours continental struggles past and present 20 hours

Social Organizations

Tuesday May 25 11am

: public class : Bachelors POPULAR

12 hours The different faces of the crisis

14.30 resistors (peoples).

18 hours Mobilization from Congress Plaza