Tribute to Néstor.Dirigentes and members of the Frente para la Victoria de Tigre held yesterday the "Day of Militancy." They affirmed their loyalty the national and popular model who heads President Cristina Fernandez. The event, organized by the Front for Victory Tigre, attended by hundreds of activists from diverse areas Kirchneristas.La activity began with a march which started from the Shipyard Astarsa \u200b\u200bafter mobilization Avenue moved to Italy and from there march to the River Station, then took Cazón Avenue, ending in the plaza of the Fire. There was the main event which paid tribute to the former president and former head of the National Council Nestor PJ Kirchner.Recordemos held Peronist Day in honor of the November 17, 1972, when a crowd, estimated at millions, moved to Ezeiza to welcome back Juan Domingo Peron in the country after 17 years of exilio.Carmen Lizuan Salcedo, concerning the Front for Victory - Tigre, stated that "the militancy in Tigre is very actively seeks opportunities for participation and the Front for Victory is a coherent option of social and ideological commitment. "celebrations in the Militant Day were also present representatives of the Party, militant unions and union concerning, with former council members and nacionales.Cabe officials noted that the convening organizations were, among others: Frente para la Victoria de Tigre, National Power Popular Group The Campora, Agrupación HILL, Transversal Front National People's Land and Housing Federation, October Movement, Guemes Association, Central de Trabajadores Argentinos, Peronist Youth of the Province of Buenos Aires, Committee of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees, Group 12, June, Group envar The Kadri, Argentine Union of Nurses, Association Partners Tigre, Islander Union Association, Councilmen Green List Unit, public libraries, Revolutionary Peronist Movement, JP Descamisados, Committee on Interdisciplinary Social Inclusion Partnership for Victoria.FRENTE Cumpas FOR
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