In yesterday's Day was celebrated Militant. The appointment was in the Plaza San Martin in central Tigre, about 200 militants came up there to celebrate the day of the militant and Néstor Kirchner honor until that day had not been honored. The event began with the words of Comrade Carmen Salcedo said that among other things ... "We believe this group of peers, that Tigre has not shown proper respect to our colleague Néstor Kirchner, who gave his life to deepen this model" ... and remarked that "Nestor and Cristina showed it was possible to rescue policy and today millions of young people raised the flags of the National Project. "After the words of Comrade Salcedo was honored and recognized militants history of our city of Tigre. Among those mentioned are: Richard Barbieri, who chairs the militant environmentalist NGO Green Tigre and writes the blog El Tigre Verde , Lorenzo Olarte, historical partner of the resistance, a militant of the CGT, Rufina a parish catechist Gaston, Virginia Baldo teaching middle school literature Pacheco working in Youths and Memory Project, neighborhood social activist Nancy Alte Brown, Eduardo Lobo intregrante National Stream Peronist unionism, among others. And project is complete and a video tribute to Nestor Kirchner. While this act passed nearby, more precisely around the corner, on Av Cazón PJ headquarters in Tigre, another meeting was conducted with militants and former militants PJ Community Action. We all know that beyond Sergio Massa again approach the national government, yet there is a communion with whom we identify from the outset with Kirchnerism. This was always so, maybe the times change, and once and for all, the National People's model has its representation in Tigre, makes it much needed. Tigre
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