The candidate for mayor of Tigre by the Front for Victory is Carmen Salcedo and much tigrense community recognizes it as "Lizuan." He began his activism in the 16 glorious years in the Peronist Youth in the Northern Zone of the 70. The return of democracy was Councillor of the Municipality of Tigre, where he stood to fight persecution of low-income youth, from there he held various positions related to social, as in the Ministry of Children and Family of the Nation. Member of the Board of the Peronist Party. He was elected Constituent Assembly to reform the Constitution of 1994. He joined the People's National Project and who led the Kirchner partner since its inception. "This is the Peronist project of the new century", commented on the historical actuality of this motion. He is a member of the Committee of Relatives of Disappeared Zona Norte. Pami is Director since January 2010 Tigre named Nestor Kirchner, who personally viewed the district authorities abandoned the tenets of National Project and began to draw from the facts a personal and clear signs of neo-liberalism, the same that brought the country to ruin in the past decades. Currently, along with a large group of political and social organizations took on the task of arming the Front for Victory Tigre leading to retrieve the identity of labor and social justice tigrense Village. It seeks to integrate into society, and that the municipal government becomes a state that represents all people.
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