Tom `s Blog (10-05-2011)
If I had three months off ....
Wait a second., A week might actually be enough for me to build this ;-)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Robin Subaru 6.5hp 169cc
Fans had the opportunity to ask questions of Tokio Hotel, MuzTV has published questions and answers online conference of May 3.
1. Bill, you can grow your hair long again?
Bill: Why no? Not really plan my hair, so it could happen.
2. What is the maximum amount you Splendid for charity?
Bill: I hate when people talk about how much money they spend just to get some nice press. The four definitely spend a lot of money in charity, but we never talked about a number!
3. So, you've sung in Japanese Monsun or Koeter, what about Russia?
Bill: Gustav knows a few words and phrases in Russian, maybe we will let you display a Russian version of Monsoon? : D
4. Can you imagine how much you are loved and expected in Russia in general?
Bill: Yes we can, within the past two months we have received thousands of emails, comments and letters to our Russian fans, that was pretty impressive. Thanks for that! We can not wait to come ...
5. Georg, you know that many fans call you Rapunzel?
Georg: Haha, is not the first time I heard of this.
Tom: But I love ... - I think we all love! What a perfect description!
6. Have you seen all the actions that were organized by the Russian fans for their concert in Russia?
Tom: We've seen all the comments, emails and letters and we are back. It was really touching and we feel the endless support!
7. Gustav, do you remember some of your lessons in Russian from school?
Gustav: Sure! Still I know some phrases. Our trip to Moscow is a great opportunity to update some of them!
8. Tom, you know that fur hat with earflaps (ushanka or cap) is a Russian national piece of clothing?
Tom: I did not know, but I'll carry mine more often now:) I love them!
9. Would you like your passport photo?
Georg: passport photos in Germany must abide by certain rules, like not to smile and a secure positioning of your head. Always they are horrible.
Tom: No, mine looks great!
Gustav: Yes, mine too!
Bill: Yes, mine as well ... maybe you're just Georch!
10. Many people say that Russian girls are the most beautiful, what is your opinion?
Tom: Let me put it this way, I can not wait to spend another night in Russia!
11. Tom, are you posting on the blog of
Tom: Sure, look if you have a minute.
12. When was the last time you had sex?
Tom: It would be easier to realize the last time I did not have sex;)
13. Do your former teammates try to contact you somehow?
Georg: Some of our former classmates are still our best friends, so yeah.
14. You rolled a couple of commercials with Alice Cooper, what impression he gave?
Bill: Working with Cooper was fun, we had a very good and is a nice guy!
15. You travel a lot and now they have left their country of origin Germany and moved to the U.S.. Do you call your parents often?
Tom: Our family is everything to us, we are very close and talk every day.
16.De pessimistic according to everything happens in the circle life. According to the optimists will spiral all the dreamers think everything goes in a straight line. How is your life?
Tom: Unfortunately I have to say I am more pessimistic in almost all situations. But Georch is the great dreamer of the band;)
17.Si 4 boys were simple and were big fans of an artist, and wanted to draw your attention, what would you do?
Tom: Bill knows, as it was a big fan as a kid.
Bill: Yes, I know how is waiting in line for hours to get the best seats at a show and all that, so I really appreciate all the fandom and know exactly how they feel the fans.
Tom: And Georg still knows how it feels. It's a big fan of mine. Always try to get my attention running naked wherever possible. And it works from time to time;)
17. What else would the eighth wonder of the world? You travel a lot, you may have seen something interesting that hit you and you inspired?
Tom: Hm, that's hard to say. We recently had the opportunity to see the Mayan pyramids in Mexico. That was really awesome! But the world itself and life on earth is the greatest wonder for me!
18. Gustav, you give an impression of a highly professional musician in the band stronger, an heir to Lars Ulrich. Besides your legs in your shorts that excite the hearts of many girls! How did the band's musical development? What are the prospects?
Gustav: Not only charming Russian girls would be excited, I took the shorts especially for Georg ;). When it comes to our future plans, we do not adhere to a particular strategy is all about momentum and inspiration.
19. What is David Bowie for you, Bill?
Bill: As a kid I saw the movie "Labyrinth" a zillion times. That's where I first noticed him and his work. He is an icon!
20. Bill, you are one of the most brilliant singers and performers on stage today. Tell me when will you stop being shy and then try to conquer the world?
Bill: With Tokio Hotel and we are traveling around the mundo.Donde want our fans to ask us to do a show we try to go at least once. But I can not get enough. A major world tour is our next goal!
21. Many artists like Dero of Oomph! used Internet blogs to keep in touch with their fans, they reveal their ideas and thoughts there, of life and philosophical views, share their views on religion and the world and other important things. Tom, how is it that all things that are posted on my blog to reflect his inner world?
Tom: I use my blog to share interesting things and my personal opinion on serious issues like animal welfare. In general, the blog is fun for me. I share my interests and things I find on the internet that I like.
22. 1) Bill, you say you want to control everything. What happens if someone is controlling you?
Bill: I do not want to control people who want to be in charge of my own music, videos and artwork. As a child I hated the authorities and they hated me me.
23) Are there any clothes that you see when you put them and never say it's too much for you?
Bill: There's a lot. But, for example: shorts and real leather.
Tom: More of the latter. You live only once and want to try everything you can. The failures always happen ... often not for me, but they do happen;)
23. Humanoid City Tour turned into a big step in his professional and musical growth. What is for you this album and tour? Russia has a chance to see live Humanoid City Tour?
Tom: We are very pleased to have the opportunity to perform at least a couple of songs for our fans in Russia ahora.Y going to include Russia in a tour of the future, we always had a great time here!
24. Bill, during the sessions signatures signatures yourself something and say a few words to your fans. But sometimes you lift your eyes and look. What do you see in your eyes in those moments I wonder? I remember you said that all eyes Georg, there are rumors that sex?
Bill: We love the signing session. It's a great way to get in touch with their fans and understand their thoughts and feelings. I have the opportunity to see their true emotions and that is what is really important to me! At that point all the negative things are going and I can feel your love!
Georg: Luckily this is not a legend, I have a girlfriend:)
Fans had the opportunity to ask questions of Tokio Hotel, MuzTV has published questions and answers online conference of May 3.
1. Bill, you can grow your hair long again?
Bill: Why no? Not really plan my hair, so it could happen.
2. What is the maximum amount you Splendid for charity?
Bill: I hate when people talk about how much money they spend just to get some nice press. The four definitely spend a lot of money in charity, but we never talked about a number!
3. So, you've sung in Japanese Monsun or Koeter, what about Russia?
Bill: Gustav knows a few words and phrases in Russian, maybe we will let you display a Russian version of Monsoon? : D
4. Can you imagine how much you are loved and expected in Russia in general?
Bill: Yes we can, within the past two months we have received thousands of emails, comments and letters to our Russian fans, that was pretty impressive. Thanks for that! We can not wait to come ...
5. Georg, you know that many fans call you Rapunzel?
Georg: Haha, is not the first time I heard of this.
Tom: But I love ... - I think we all love! What a perfect description!
6. Have you seen all the actions that were organized by the Russian fans for their concert in Russia?
Tom: We've seen all the comments, emails and letters and we are back. It was really touching and we feel the endless support!
7. Gustav, do you remember some of your lessons in Russian from school?
Gustav: Sure! Still I know some phrases. Our trip to Moscow is a great opportunity to update some of them!
8. Tom, you know that fur hat with earflaps (ushanka or cap) is a Russian national piece of clothing?
Tom: I did not know, but I'll carry mine more often now:) I love them!
9. Would you like your passport photo?
Georg: passport photos in Germany must abide by certain rules, like not to smile and a secure positioning of your head. Always they are horrible.
Tom: No, mine looks great!
Gustav: Yes, mine too!
Bill: Yes, mine as well ... maybe you're just Georch!
10. Many people say that Russian girls are the most beautiful, what is your opinion?
Tom: Let me put it this way, I can not wait to spend another night in Russia!
11. Tom, are you posting on the blog of
Tom: Sure, look if you have a minute.
12. When was the last time you had sex?
Tom: It would be easier to realize the last time I did not have sex;)
13. Do your former teammates try to contact you somehow?
Georg: Some of our former classmates are still our best friends, so yeah.
14. You rolled a couple of commercials with Alice Cooper, what impression he gave?
Bill: Working with Cooper was fun, we had a very good and is a nice guy!
15. You travel a lot and now they have left their country of origin Germany and moved to the U.S.. Do you call your parents often?
Tom: Our family is everything to us, we are very close and talk every day.
16.De pessimistic according to everything happens in the circle life. According to the optimists will spiral all the dreamers think everything goes in a straight line. How is your life?
Tom: Unfortunately I have to say I am more pessimistic in almost all situations. But Georch is the great dreamer of the band;)
17.Si 4 boys were simple and were big fans of an artist, and wanted to draw your attention, what would you do?
Tom: Bill knows, as it was a big fan as a kid.
Bill: Yes, I know how is waiting in line for hours to get the best seats at a show and all that, so I really appreciate all the fandom and know exactly how they feel the fans.
Tom: And Georg still knows how it feels. It's a big fan of mine. Always try to get my attention running naked wherever possible. And it works from time to time;)
17. What else would the eighth wonder of the world? You travel a lot, you may have seen something interesting that hit you and you inspired?
Tom: Hm, that's hard to say. We recently had the opportunity to see the Mayan pyramids in Mexico. That was really awesome! But the world itself and life on earth is the greatest wonder for me!
18. Gustav, you give an impression of a highly professional musician in the band stronger, an heir to Lars Ulrich. Besides your legs in your shorts that excite the hearts of many girls! How did the band's musical development? What are the prospects?
Gustav: Not only charming Russian girls would be excited, I took the shorts especially for Georg ;). When it comes to our future plans, we do not adhere to a particular strategy is all about momentum and inspiration.
19. What is David Bowie for you, Bill?
Bill: As a kid I saw the movie "Labyrinth" a zillion times. That's where I first noticed him and his work. He is an icon!
20. Bill, you are one of the most brilliant singers and performers on stage today. Tell me when will you stop being shy and then try to conquer the world?
Bill: With Tokio Hotel and we are traveling around the mundo.Donde want our fans to ask us to do a show we try to go at least once. But I can not get enough. A major world tour is our next goal!
21. Many artists like Dero of Oomph! used Internet blogs to keep in touch with their fans, they reveal their ideas and thoughts there, of life and philosophical views, share their views on religion and the world and other important things. Tom, how is it that all things that are posted on my blog to reflect his inner world?
Tom: I use my blog to share interesting things and my personal opinion on serious issues like animal welfare. In general, the blog is fun for me. I share my interests and things I find on the internet that I like.
22. 1) Bill, you say you want to control everything. What happens if someone is controlling you?
Bill: I do not want to control people who want to be in charge of my own music, videos and artwork. As a child I hated the authorities and they hated me me.
23) Are there any clothes that you see when you put them and never say it's too much for you?
Bill: There's a lot. But, for example: shorts and real leather.
Tom: More of the latter. You live only once and want to try everything you can. The failures always happen ... often not for me, but they do happen;)
23. Humanoid City Tour turned into a big step in his professional and musical growth. What is for you this album and tour? Russia has a chance to see live Humanoid City Tour?
Tom: We are very pleased to have the opportunity to perform at least a couple of songs for our fans in Russia ahora.Y going to include Russia in a tour of the future, we always had a great time here!
24. Bill, during the sessions signatures signatures yourself something and say a few words to your fans. But sometimes you lift your eyes and look. What do you see in your eyes in those moments I wonder? I remember you said that all eyes Georg, there are rumors that sex?
Bill: We love the signing session. It's a great way to get in touch with their fans and understand their thoughts and feelings. I have the opportunity to see their true emotions and that is what is really important to me! At that point all the negative things are going and I can feel your love!
Georg: Luckily this is not a legend, I have a girlfriend:)
Chelsea Charms In Hayati
Meaning of tattoos Gus! MTV Music Awards
Quiet and reserved, drummer Tokyo Hotel Gustav Schäfer not speak much of himself in terms of tastes and passions.
But you know, the shy-looking people is often more interesting than expected and This also applies to him during the band's last visit to Japan has not hesitated to tell the story of two of his tattoos. This gem is revealed in the last newsletter of Universal Music Japan, where it was reported that Gustav's right calf is the text of a song by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, while the front is worldview that expresses the concept of life and death of the latter.
Solved the mystery of the first tattoo, we can only hope that in another interview a few "lucky", where he discovers some curiosity about our beloved Gustav.
Quiet and reserved, drummer Tokyo Hotel Gustav Schäfer not speak much of himself in terms of tastes and passions.
But you know, the shy-looking people is often more interesting than expected and This also applies to him during the band's last visit to Japan has not hesitated to tell the story of two of his tattoos. This gem is revealed in the last newsletter of Universal Music Japan, where it was reported that Gustav's right calf is the text of a song by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, while the front is worldview that expresses the concept of life and death of the latter.
Solved the mystery of the first tattoo, we can only hope that in another interview a few "lucky", where he discovers some curiosity about our beloved Gustav.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Minimum Yatch Footage To Cross Atlantic Ocean
O TOKIO HOTEL Videomessage (Bill Kaulitz beard) (Spanish subtitles)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Herpes From Trying On Clothes? - New single from Tokio Hotel will be released in Japan
J apan is preparing to celebrate the launch of a new single of Tokio Hotel, one of the dearest in the world.
It's "Monsoon", the song chosen for the German group's debut was a springboard to Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg. Following the success of Darkside Of The Sun, the Asian fans will be able to enjoy or Koeter Monsun (literal translation: "More beyond the monsoon. ")
Although this news is intended only for the country of the Rising Sun, European and American fans also eagerly await the launch of the issue to discover if they have the same impact in the past when it came to other markets.
Koeter Monsun or be accompanied by a video filmed in Cape Town, South Africa.
J apan is preparing to celebrate the launch of a new single of Tokio Hotel, one of the dearest in the world.
It's "Monsoon", the song chosen for the German group's debut was a springboard to Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg. Following the success of Darkside Of The Sun, the Asian fans will be able to enjoy or Koeter Monsun (literal translation: "More beyond the monsoon. ")
Although this news is intended only for the country of the Rising Sun, European and American fans also eagerly await the launch of the issue to discover if they have the same impact in the past when it came to other markets.
Koeter Monsun or be accompanied by a video filmed in Cape Town, South Africa.
Poster Of Brent Corrigan
Tokio Hotel in the book "The Secret of Little Red Riding Hood" on Facebook
Scan the book
Tokio Hotel leaves mentioned in the acknowledgments of the book "The Secret of Little Red Riding Hood" esrito by Sofia Navarro Jerez. We also know that the story is inspired by them, reflecting the guys in the band in each of its characters in fact the protagonist is based and inspired by Tom. You can see the scan the acknowledgments below
Thanks to Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz, Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing. Despite his youth and the large number of people who are driven by prejudice before allowing the music speak for itself, and despite the many colleagues who you treated unkindly, the four you form one of the most charismatic and colorful rock bands in Europe. You are original and you have quality music, lyrics and staging. Thank you for fighting for your site, because without the sponsorship of large media corporations, or the support of international companies in the entertainment, you came to work where you are now ... That is, at least one example of improvement for all young people want to work and are willing to fight for what you believe and prove our worth.
Thank you for all your wonderful songs composed, which are as capable of being moved with a picture of voice and motivate with the sound of a guitar. Those songs, Automatic, Strange, Pain of love, Phantomrider, Wo Sind Eure Hände ... are those that did not stop to listen to while writing this novel. A real treat each of them.
All the best, from the heart.
Scan the book
Tokio Hotel leaves mentioned in the acknowledgments of the book "The Secret of Little Red Riding Hood" esrito by Sofia Navarro Jerez. We also know that the story is inspired by them, reflecting the guys in the band in each of its characters in fact the protagonist is based and inspired by Tom. You can see the scan the acknowledgments below
Thanks to Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz, Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing. Despite his youth and the large number of people who are driven by prejudice before allowing the music speak for itself, and despite the many colleagues who you treated unkindly, the four you form one of the most charismatic and colorful rock bands in Europe. You are original and you have quality music, lyrics and staging. Thank you for fighting for your site, because without the sponsorship of large media corporations, or the support of international companies in the entertainment, you came to work where you are now ... That is, at least one example of improvement for all young people want to work and are willing to fight for what you believe and prove our worth.
Thank you for all your wonderful songs composed, which are as capable of being moved with a picture of voice and motivate with the sound of a guitar. Those songs, Automatic, Strange, Pain of love, Phantomrider, Wo Sind Eure Hände ... are those that did not stop to listen to while writing this novel. A real treat each of them.
All the best, from the heart.
How Do I Get Rid Of A Rash Between My Brests
Tokio Hotel will be on 3 May in Taiwan from 8-9 pm Facebook
To answer questions from fans. - 2-3pm German and English
- 5-hour 6:00 a.m. Colombia, Peru, Panama and Ecuador - 7-8 a.m.
hours Argentina and Chile.
Tokio Hotel will be on 3 May in Taiwan from 8-9 pm Facebook
To answer questions from fans. - 2-3pm German and English
- 5-hour 6:00 a.m. Colombia, Peru, Panama and Ecuador - 7-8 a.m.
hours Argentina and Chile.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
How Long Does It Take To Make A Balsa Bridge
Taiwan Hurricans massive and suns!
We to vote massively in the coming days, starting TODAY 20 / 4 and last until 30 April (at least). The idea is to vote all the time, every day, sometimes as much as possible. Please spread the voice! Invite your friends to the event so more people become aware, put it on the walls in their pages, blogs, or whatever you want.
* RADIO THE TOP 40 S (105.5 FM Buenos Aires)
- Twitter: http://twitter . Com / # / los40ar
- Facebook: s40principalesargentina
- Phone: 4999-6000
- Text : Command 40 al 51010
- Mail/Notas:
* RADIO DISNEY (FM 94.3 Bs As)
- Twitter:!/radi odisneyla
- Teléfono: 4999-9430
- Mail/Notas: http://www.radiodisney-cl. jsp y r
* RADIO TKM (FM 103.7 Bs As)
- Twitter:!/Radi oTKM
- Facebook: diotkm1037
- Mail / Notes: http://radiotkm.mundotkm . c om / contact? width = 500 & Heigl ht = 500
* FM RADIO CHAIN \u200b\u200b3 (100.5 FM Córdoba)
Phone: 5267020 (answering machine) and 5260599
Message text: "Power 102" or "100" the number
* LA 99.1 (FM 99.1 La Plata)
Text Message: La99 (space) and the message to 55588
Phone: (02966) 432400.
* RADIO THE 97 FOREVER! (Mar del Plata 97.3 FM)
Twitter: # / la97 always
Facebook: pa ges/Fm-La-97-Siempre-Ofici al/112969088733955? sk = info
Phone: 493-2502 0223
Mail / Notes: http:/ / s .../ranking-40.htm (Ranking 40x40) & s / top-ten.htm (Top Ten)
* COOPER (102.7 FM Mendoza)
- Phone: ( 0261) 4494646
- Facebook: co
* LIFE FM (97.9 Rosario)
- Text Message: Send "Life + message" to
1515 - Vote: the web in the left side says "Pedi your THEME!" write there.
* SOUTH FM (FM103.5 Villa La Angostura, Neuquen)
-Phone: 2944 494025
* RADIO CITY (107.1 FM Jujuy)
- Facebook:
* THE HOT RADIO (92.5 FM Villa Mercedes, San Luis)
- Web: should write asking for TH where he says "Escribinos."
If you know any other radio show hosts spend Tokio Hotel, warn against the wall of the event and add it to the list of radio to ask.
And to put the batteries, everything is for them
♥ * Tokio Hotel Argentina
We to vote massively in the coming days, starting TODAY 20 / 4 and last until 30 April (at least). The idea is to vote all the time, every day, sometimes as much as possible. Please spread the voice! Invite your friends to the event so more people become aware, put it on the walls in their pages, blogs, or whatever you want.
* RADIO THE TOP 40 S (105.5 FM Buenos Aires)
- Twitter: http://twitter . Com / # / los40ar
- Facebook:
- Phone: 4999-6000
- Text : Command 40 al 51010
- Mail/Notas:
* RADIO DISNEY (FM 94.3 Bs As)
- Twitter:!/radi
- Teléfono: 4999-9430
- Mail/Notas: http://www.radiodisney-cl.
* RADIO TKM (FM 103.7 Bs As)
- Twitter:!/Radi
- Facebook:
- Mail / Notes: http://radiotkm.mundotkm . c
* FM RADIO CHAIN \u200b\u200b3 (100.5 FM Córdoba)
Phone: 5267020 (answering machine) and 5260599
Message text: "Power 102" or "100" the number
* LA 99.1 (FM 99.1 La Plata)
Text Message: La99 (space) and the message to 55588
Phone: (02966) 432400.
* RADIO THE 97 FOREVER! (Mar del Plata 97.3 FM)
Twitter: # / la97
Facebook: pa
Phone: 493-2502 0223
Mail / Notes: http:/ /
* COOPER (102.7 FM Mendoza)
- Phone: ( 0261) 4494646
- Facebook:
* LIFE FM (97.9 Rosario)
- Text Message: Send "Life + message" to
1515 - Vote: the web in the left side says "Pedi your THEME!" write there.
* SOUTH FM (FM103.5 Villa La Angostura, Neuquen)
-Phone: 2944 494025
* RADIO CITY (107.1 FM Jujuy)
- Facebook:
* THE HOT RADIO (92.5 FM Villa Mercedes, San Luis)
- Web: should write asking for TH where he says "Escribinos."
If you know any other radio show hosts spend Tokio Hotel, warn against the wall of the event and add it to the list of radio to ask.
And to put the batteries, everything is for them
♥ * Tokio Hotel Argentina
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Whats A Really Good Protein Powder?
* Industrial Development and Agricultural Development?
* From Colonialism to the agricultural export model?
* Unit or Release?
* American Union and Patria Grande
PAMI Tigre and The National Chair Arturo Jauretche (UBA) invite the community to participate in the Workshop: "National Economic Thought and great economic debates." This training event is part of the current debate about the influence of monopoly capital concentrated in the successive governments of our history and, on the other hand, active participation, which awarded him the role of the Peronist state. The beginning of this Workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, April 27 19 hours.
addition, the workshop intends to present the economic debates since the early twentieth century to the present (1930 - 2010), Issues: Agro-exporting Model and its crisis; The first ideas national Peronist Project and the influence of FORGE . Civil - military coup (1955, 1966 and 1976), Democracy and the discussion of the national capital / foreign, internal market / external and popular consumption / sumptuous.
The workshop will be held Wednesday from 19-21 am and classes begin on April 27, 2011.
Registration: See PAMI Tigre, Dogfish 966 Piso 2 Av.
* Industrial Development and Agricultural Development?
* From Colonialism to the agricultural export model?
* Unit or Release?
* American Union and Patria Grande
PAMI Tigre and The National Chair Arturo Jauretche (UBA) invite the community to participate in the Workshop: "National Economic Thought and great economic debates." This training event is part of the current debate about the influence of monopoly capital concentrated in the successive governments of our history and, on the other hand, active participation, which awarded him the role of the Peronist state. The beginning of this Workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, April 27 19 hours.
addition, the workshop intends to present the economic debates since the early twentieth century to the present (1930 - 2010), Issues: Agro-exporting Model and its crisis; The first ideas national Peronist Project and the influence of FORGE . Civil - military coup (1955, 1966 and 1976), Democracy and the discussion of the national capital / foreign, internal market / external and popular consumption / sumptuous.
The workshop will be held Wednesday from 19-21 am and classes begin on April 27, 2011.
Registration: See PAMI Tigre, Dogfish 966 Piso 2 Av.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
How Can You Get Any Color Puffle Without
Bill and Tom Kaulitz afterparty Nivea for Men
We just get information but this happened on Feb. 13! Bill and Tom Kaulitz appeared on the red carpet Grammy NIVEA FOR MEN Aftershowparty in Beverly Hills, CA.
Among the many guests, were Akon, Lindsay Lohan, Tara Reid Justin Bieber , Brandy, Darren Kagasoff, John Paul Yepez, Pittsborough Slim, Jaclyn McGuinness, Meagan Goode и Hello Girls, Jordy Towers, Lauren Mayhew, The Situation, Ray J, Bai Ling, Corey Feldman, one Grammy winners, Lady Gaga, Teddy Riley who stayed until five in the morning.
In other news: A strong rumor had been told that on Friday, Tom Kaulitz was incredibly concerned about his brother Bill and Bill and Tom and Bill Kaulitz had visited Buenos Aires, Argentina on Friday March 11 and Tom stay in LA Bill's visit is not known for that reason, but that day Japan suffered a terrible earthquake and tsunami that would cause damage to the coasts of the Americas. Now this is still a RUMOR! do not know if Bill's visit to Buenos Aires is much less certain whether the twins were concerned about each other.
We just get information but this happened on Feb. 13! Bill and Tom Kaulitz appeared on the red carpet Grammy NIVEA FOR MEN Aftershowparty in Beverly Hills, CA.
The party was held was to introduce new products NIVEA: "Look Like You Give A Damm
Among the many guests, were Akon, Lindsay Lohan, Tara Reid Justin Bieber , Brandy, Darren Kagasoff, John Paul Yepez, Pittsborough Slim, Jaclyn McGuinness, Meagan Goode и Hello Girls, Jordy Towers, Lauren Mayhew, The Situation, Ray J, Bai Ling, Corey Feldman, one Grammy winners, Lady Gaga, Teddy Riley who stayed until five in the morning.
In other news: A strong rumor had been told that on Friday, Tom Kaulitz was incredibly concerned about his brother Bill and Bill and Tom and Bill Kaulitz had visited Buenos Aires, Argentina on Friday March 11 and Tom stay in LA Bill's visit is not known for that reason, but that day Japan suffered a terrible earthquake and tsunami that would cause damage to the coasts of the Americas. Now this is still a RUMOR! do not know if Bill's visit to Buenos Aires is much less certain whether the twins were concerned about each other.
Can U Get Rash With Mono
A new public appearance this fall Tokio Hotel! The band will attend the upcoming June 3 at the awards ceremony of Muz TV Awards 2011 in Russia. Tokio Hotel will attend the awards ceremony and can confirm that the band will perform at the gala as the title characters.
A new public appearance this fall Tokio Hotel! The band will attend the upcoming June 3 at the awards ceremony of Muz TV Awards 2011 in Russia. Tokio Hotel will attend the awards ceremony and can confirm that the band will perform at the gala as the title characters.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Silver Pearl Is Worth How Much
identified at a police station in Tigre as clandestine center
Workers who survived the dictatorship took the act of marking the former detention center. "It was the first place to ask for help," recalled the victims. Police Station No. 1 of Tigre was transformed, like so many others during the dictatorship, in a clandestine detention center. But this place of kidnapping and torture was unique house the factory workers of the industrial belt of the north and northwest of the Buenos Aires suburbs, including the Ford workers, provided by their employers to the genocide. Yesterday, the police station was marked as a former Clandestine Detention Center, torture and extermination, in a coordinated effort between the National Archives of the report, the Commission for Memory, Truth and Justice in Northern Area and the town of Tigre. Pedro Troiani, a survivor of the Ford plant in General Pacheco, said yesterday that "Ford has to sit on the dock, and explain why you gave us, why did the lists of delegates and paid little heed workers saying faltábamos without notice after we were kidnapped. " "We see with satisfaction that speaks of 'civic-military coup', because you never mentioned companies as Ford, which gave us defend the rights of workers," he lamented. The event, organized by the Federal Network of Sites of Memory, which signals throughout the country sites operated clandestine centers, it was at the police station located in Bourdieu tigrense 548. Involved the mayor of Tigre, Sergio Massa, the provincial security minister, Ricardo Casal, the coordinator of the National Memory Archive, Judith Said, the Human Rights Adviser in the province, Edgardo Binstock, the Director of Media and Communication archive National Memory, Marcelo Duhalde and former employees of the Ford Motor Company General Pacheco and shipbuilding Astarsa, Vicente Forte and Mestrina.Graciela Villalba, a member of Families of Missing Navy, recalled that the Commissioner "was the first place, paradoxically , where we came to ask questions and get help for our family arrested 35 years ago, which at that time knew they were going to be missing. " "Signaling the former clandestine detention center we relive the struggles of these years is to get where we decided to not go unpunished largest barbarism committed in our country," expresó.En representing the Commission for Memory, Truth and Justice of the Northern Area, Raquel Mariano Witis Witis mother of murdered by a Buenos Aires police in September 2000 - is hopeful that "those who pass through this place and working in the police station are not indifferent to this poster, which think of those workers who passed through here and banish that anxiety cruel and inhuman repression that still nests in the military and leads them to commit wanton acts such as Kostecky and Santillan, Luciano Crease, Carlos Fuentealba, Lucas Rotenberg. "Judith Said, on behalf of national government, said:" This plaque placed is for fellow north side, is for the province of Buenos Aires and is also for those serving in the force, we want to know how was the repression, what were the powers that were taken from the civil-military dictatorship and why we are carrying out trials, for once and for all those responsible are punished. " For its part, Edgardo Binstock noted that "many companies were complicit in the dictatorship, because what was at stake was a model country, so the victims were centrally workers, because it sought to destroy the labor organization and awareness of work and struggle. " Posted by Argentine newspaper Tiempo Friday, April 8, 2011
Carhartt Vs Red Wing Boots
As you may have heard on 16 April is "WORLD OF TOKIO HOTEL." That day, fans around the world gather to celebrate and of course Argentina is present, so far there are 12 provinces that joined and one of them is us.
The venue chosen is: Costanera Norte in San Sebastian tip, at 16 pm . Take
posters, drawings, backpacks, shirts, etc. .. everything you have and want to share of Tokio Hotel. The meeting we have to record, so if you have a little camera that takes, but we recorded it with a cel.
we also decided to sing a song of the boys, the choice is "Ich bin da" so that Please practice the lyrics, which mostly do not know.
are notified in time to attend all, if you know other fans fence to invite them to share with us all that great moment. And if you want to bring a new idea can do THROUGH our facebook or leaving a comment here.
not miss girls, not wanting anyone to miss this first major event for the field.
you soon.
Screamin TH
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Blueprints Of Hair Salon
Portrait of Carmen "Lizuan" Salcedo

The candidate for mayor of Tigre by the Front for Victory is Carmen Salcedo and much tigrense community recognizes it as "Lizuan." He began his activism in the 16 glorious years in the Peronist Youth in the Northern Zone of the 70. The return of democracy was Councillor of the Municipality of Tigre, where he stood to fight persecution of low-income youth, from there he held various positions related to social, as in the Ministry of Children and Family of the Nation. Member of the Board of the Peronist Party. He was elected Constituent Assembly to reform the Constitution of 1994. He joined the People's National Project and who led the Kirchner partner since its inception. "This is the Peronist project of the new century", commented on the historical actuality of this motion. He is a member of the Committee of Relatives of Disappeared Zona Norte. Pami is Director since January 2010 Tigre named Nestor Kirchner, who personally viewed the district authorities abandoned the tenets of National Project and began to draw from the facts a personal and clear signs of neo-liberalism, the same that brought the country to ruin in the past decades. Currently, along with a large group of political and social organizations took on the task of arming the Front for Victory Tigre leading to retrieve the identity of labor and social justice tigrense Village. It seeks to integrate into society, and that the municipal government becomes a state that represents all people.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Are Cds A Good Investment Right Now
All Zusammen is a project created by a fan of France, which is that meetings are held Tokio Hotel fans in different cities of the world, mismom time! Yes, on 16 April will be a very important day for tokiohoteleros. In remote and nearby cities will be holding meetings. and Argentina not far behind! There are already many venues that will participate in this fabulous idea.
Once Maas, MAKE SOME NOISE, AILENS! Demonstrate what we feel for them, their music, and we hope with all our desire to see them live in Argentina soon.
Enter the event zusammen ALL ARGENTINA for more information.
prescencia We hope to see ALL: to invite your friends, do not want anyone to miss this unique experience.
Tokio Hotel Argentina
* Locations Participants (confirmed to date): Buenos Aires, Jujuy, Santa Cruz, Current , Mar Del Plata, Mendoza, San Luis, San Juan, Tucumán, Rosario, Bahia Blanca, Santa Fe Capital. More venues are going to be adding in the course of the week, stay tuned. In the event that the information and the particular event
each headquarters.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Bosu Balance Wobble Board Lady Gaga and Tokio Hotel: "We Want to Break Free!" - Cover Queen in Common "Charity to Japan!
Lady Gaga and Tokio Hotel have recorded a song together? It can be hard to believe, but Gaga is always good for surprises. In order to both artists are on the same label, so the joining had not been possible until now. [...]
Tokio Hotel have not heard much recently, because children are engaged in providing material to international pop, the long-promised new album. Lady Gaga has always had an eye on Bill Kaulitz and company as to expand the "Charity to Japan had the idea of \u200b\u200bproducing a" Single to Charity "with the kids. All proceeds will be donated to good causes and it seems that other artists will also participate in the project. All the old Queen songs reinterpreted by today's pop stars! [...]
Lady Gaga and Tokio Hotel have selected the Queen classic "I Want to Break Free" and is very exciting to think like your new release "We Want to Break Free" sound ...
Lady Gaga and Tokio Hotel have recorded a song together? It can be hard to believe, but Gaga is always good for surprises. In order to both artists are on the same label, so the joining had not been possible until now. [...]
Tokio Hotel have not heard much recently, because children are engaged in providing material to international pop, the long-promised new album. Lady Gaga has always had an eye on Bill Kaulitz and company as to expand the "Charity to Japan had the idea of \u200b\u200bproducing a" Single to Charity "with the kids. All proceeds will be donated to good causes and it seems that other artists will also participate in the project. All the old Queen songs reinterpreted by today's pop stars! [...]
Lady Gaga and Tokio Hotel have selected the Queen classic "I Want to Break Free" and is very exciting to think like your new release "We Want to Break Free" sound ...
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tingling In Left Fingertips
Helping victims of natural disasters in Japan through Tokyo Hotel. Take these sheets and show your compassion. Choose how you want to donate. You can order plates by 5/15/25 € and help the people of Japan. All proceeds from the sale will go to the Japanese Red Cross.
* Color: multicolored
* Material: Steel
* Item No.: 112209
* Release date: 06.04.2011
* Prices and Links: Buy 5 € / / Buy € 15 / / ; Buy € 25
* Material: Steel
* Item No.: 112209
* Release date: 06.04.2011
* Prices and Links: Buy 5 € / / Buy € 15 / / ; Buy € 25
Buderus Vegetable Oil
for MTV's Musical March Madness: Muse Vs Tokio Hotel
In 2010, MTV News was launched in Tokio Hotel in our March Madness Musical inaugural tournament almost as an afterthought, pasting as a seed # 16 and putting them against the # 1 Coldplay with the assumption that they would probably lose.
Only that did not.
In fact, thanks to the unwavering support of his fanbase, Tokio Hotel Coldplay crushed, and began a remarkable journey of two weeks where we beat highly favored bands like Radiohead, Vampire Weekend and Owl City before losing to the eventual champion Coheed and Cambria in a controversial confrontation Final Four.
In summary, we have underestimated TH, so when it came time to present our 2011 MMM bracket, we make sure they make the cut ... this time as a seed # 14 (when the committee will of selection was to give them the respect they deserve ?!?). And pick up from where they left off last year, they turned to Crystal Bowersox in the opening round, and are now the favorites in their second-round match against Adele ... that will open the voting on Thursday (March 24 .)
So with Adele on your calendar now, and a potential rematch against Coheed is coming in the championship MMM (the April 4!), We came to Tokio Hotel to discuss the success of your tour. And although they are currently working hard on the successor to its 2009 Human album, the boys took time to answer ... and thank his fans for their support.
"Thanks to our fans," frontman Bill Kaulitz said. "Although we locked ourselves in the studio and we have launched new album in a long time, you guys you keep supporting us so strong, that's amazing! Thank you! "
Tokio Hotel may finally lift the trophy MMM? Certainly seem preparardos for a career in depth in the 2011 tournament, but ultimately depend on their fans to decide their destiny ... Voting is now open in the Newsroom blog, and you can help them realize their dreams of championship. And hopefully get a little revenge Coheed against, too.
Vote for them here
In 2010, MTV News was launched in Tokio Hotel in our March Madness Musical inaugural tournament almost as an afterthought, pasting as a seed # 16 and putting them against the # 1 Coldplay with the assumption that they would probably lose.
Only that did not.
In fact, thanks to the unwavering support of his fanbase, Tokio Hotel Coldplay crushed, and began a remarkable journey of two weeks where we beat highly favored bands like Radiohead, Vampire Weekend and Owl City before losing to the eventual champion Coheed and Cambria in a controversial confrontation Final Four.
In summary, we have underestimated TH, so when it came time to present our 2011 MMM bracket, we make sure they make the cut ... this time as a seed # 14 (when the committee will of selection was to give them the respect they deserve ?!?). And pick up from where they left off last year, they turned to Crystal Bowersox in the opening round, and are now the favorites in their second-round match against Adele ... that will open the voting on Thursday (March 24 .)
So with Adele on your calendar now, and a potential rematch against Coheed is coming in the championship MMM (the April 4!), We came to Tokio Hotel to discuss the success of your tour. And although they are currently working hard on the successor to its 2009 Human album, the boys took time to answer ... and thank his fans for their support.
"Thanks to our fans," frontman Bill Kaulitz said. "Although we locked ourselves in the studio and we have launched new album in a long time, you guys you keep supporting us so strong, that's amazing! Thank you! "
Tokio Hotel may finally lift the trophy MMM? Certainly seem preparardos for a career in depth in the 2011 tournament, but ultimately depend on their fans to decide their destiny ... Voting is now open in the Newsroom blog, and you can help them realize their dreams of championship. And hopefully get a little revenge Coheed against, too.
Vote for them here
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Effects Of Migrating Pokemon
Monday, March 21, 2011
Cheapest Complete Fingerboards
How Do Aquarium Shops Work
Style by Bill Kaulitz Bill Kaulitz
I think many of you already know who Bill Kaulitz, or at least have heard about the band Tokio Hotel. A few months ago I wrote about this in more detail. Now I just want to talk only of his style.
Last year, Bill started to show an active interest in high fashion, participating for the Dsquared fashion show, being invited in many other events.
His style mixes glam-rock, classical and urban styles. He prefers, like most today, the black color clothing. Bill always looks different, it is impossible to see the same thing twice. He mixes with expensive brand clothing at second hand. Her image always complemented by a scarf, handkerchief, multiple rings or other accessories.
Above all, Bill likes leather jackets, he has a number of them, with collections of time and even the most recent. For use with the band, black leather jackets, studded ... His collection has everything you need. Very often, they are combined with jeans and sturdy shoes.
Recently, Bill is increasingly viewed with coats. And even with artificial fur coats, as advocates for the protection of animals. Personally, I think these coats, seem very friendly and interesting.
Very often different private events Bill has appeared in a tuxedo, or simple but often with jackets of any color or carrying of all types of jacket locks, without zippers or buttons in general.
A Bill on shirts you can see very often, but that happens rarely.
A lace satin shirt and vest adheres perfectly to form. And that just shows a white shirt in the first image Bill a small handkerchief tied around his neck, and the second picture he undid the buttons in front.
addition to classic shirts Bill takes checkered shirts, which have also become classics in certain styles.
buttoned and tucked into jeans or shirts unbuttoned in front.
Sometimes it seems that everyone, like Bill, we want to wear something comfortable and soft. Then the leather and the pictures are replaced by cozy long jackets or long scarves pointed, as in picture # 1.
Bill carries T-shirts with a lot of ornaments on the neck, like scarves. He chooses shirts with prints of their favorite bands, shirts, translucent, or any foreign material.
I like the shirt with Balmain holes of the third image.
For more diversity, Bill used vests, and leather and jeans giving reference to a court suit. This very interesting
vest "cut" leather last image.
ability creates a perfect match with the sneakers, and patent leather boots, as a result gives a completely different appearance.
Bill is a big fan of hats. Not always have the time or patience to fix her hair.
His collection includes some caps.
In his collection of hats, there is a more predominant type.
And for me this kind of hat is my favorite - fine wool caps, with which Bill appears most often .
As a real fashion designer, Bill loves big bags.
He chooses the most expensive handbags: the first image only - Louis Vuitton and YSL, in the second picture all - Gucci shoes
With Bill often opt for boots , tucking pants into them.
Boots long as the military with a khaki suit (3), steel-toed boots combined to perfection in leather pants (2). Personally I like the boots with laces, with the tongue out, as in Images 1 and 5.
boots canvas or leather tip, blend perfectly with pants inside or outside of them. He
preferably used shoes with white pants and jeans.
Recently, appears increasingly wedge-heeled shoes or high heels, which has caused much debate and differing opinions . Bill Rick Owens preferred brand, this brand start producing wedge-heeled shoes for men.
can also add that it is a big fan of jewelry, but he has too many it is simply impossible to classify. She loves the chains, rings, leather bracelets. And always has its main decoration - a locket with a photograph of his mother.
I like the style of Bill lately and I'm always willing to discuss with those who said he entered the world of fashion, that was "like a woman constantly in shops and shopping."
He is not afraid to experiment and sometimes goes too far and it looks strange, but remains one of the finest young musicians of our time.
I think many of you already know who Bill Kaulitz, or at least have heard about the band Tokio Hotel. A few months ago I wrote about this in more detail. Now I just want to talk only of his style.
Last year, Bill started to show an active interest in high fashion, participating for the Dsquared fashion show, being invited in many other events.
His style mixes glam-rock, classical and urban styles. He prefers, like most today, the black color clothing. Bill always looks different, it is impossible to see the same thing twice. He mixes with expensive brand clothing at second hand. Her image always complemented by a scarf, handkerchief, multiple rings or other accessories.
Above all, Bill likes leather jackets, he has a number of them, with collections of time and even the most recent. For use with the band, black leather jackets, studded ... His collection has everything you need. Very often, they are combined with jeans and sturdy shoes.
Recently, Bill is increasingly viewed with coats. And even with artificial fur coats, as advocates for the protection of animals. Personally, I think these coats, seem very friendly and interesting.
Very often different private events Bill has appeared in a tuxedo, or simple but often with jackets of any color or carrying of all types of jacket locks, without zippers or buttons in general.
A Bill on shirts you can see very often, but that happens rarely.
A lace satin shirt and vest adheres perfectly to form. And that just shows a white shirt in the first image Bill a small handkerchief tied around his neck, and the second picture he undid the buttons in front.
addition to classic shirts Bill takes checkered shirts, which have also become classics in certain styles.
buttoned and tucked into jeans or shirts unbuttoned in front.
Sometimes it seems that everyone, like Bill, we want to wear something comfortable and soft. Then the leather and the pictures are replaced by cozy long jackets or long scarves pointed, as in picture # 1.
Bill carries T-shirts with a lot of ornaments on the neck, like scarves. He chooses shirts with prints of their favorite bands, shirts, translucent, or any foreign material.
I like the shirt with Balmain holes of the third image.
For more diversity, Bill used vests, and leather and jeans giving reference to a court suit. This very interesting
vest "cut" leather last image.
ability creates a perfect match with the sneakers, and patent leather boots, as a result gives a completely different appearance.
Bill is a big fan of hats. Not always have the time or patience to fix her hair.
His collection includes some caps.
In his collection of hats, there is a more predominant type.
And for me this kind of hat is my favorite - fine wool caps, with which Bill appears most often .
As a real fashion designer, Bill loves big bags.
He chooses the most expensive handbags: the first image only - Louis Vuitton and YSL, in the second picture all - Gucci shoes
With Bill often opt for boots , tucking pants into them.
Boots long as the military with a khaki suit (3), steel-toed boots combined to perfection in leather pants (2). Personally I like the boots with laces, with the tongue out, as in Images 1 and 5.
boots canvas or leather tip, blend perfectly with pants inside or outside of them. He
preferably used shoes with white pants and jeans.
Recently, appears increasingly wedge-heeled shoes or high heels, which has caused much debate and differing opinions . Bill Rick Owens preferred brand, this brand start producing wedge-heeled shoes for men.
can also add that it is a big fan of jewelry, but he has too many it is simply impossible to classify. She loves the chains, rings, leather bracelets. And always has its main decoration - a locket with a photograph of his mother.
I like the style of Bill lately and I'm always willing to discuss with those who said he entered the world of fashion, that was "like a woman constantly in shops and shopping."
He is not afraid to experiment and sometimes goes too far and it looks strange, but remains one of the finest young musicians of our time.
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