Saturday, May 8, 2010

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Policy Name

By Horacio González

For many years, been asked to successive directors of the National Library, proceed to change the name of the Newspaper Library, named Gustavo Martinez Zuviría. In my personal case, I received over five years this claim by numerous organizations and individuals. It was the Cultural Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, on two occasions, "the leading intellectuals of our country and abroad, and institutions linked to the memory of the Holocaust. In all cases, we have responded with caution, and calling for deep reflection on this case.

Martínez Zuviría The prolific writer was for a quarter century of the National Library Director, and during that period, from his office on the first floor of Mexico Street 564 -, gave impassioned activists discriminatory views. Combat anti-Semitism was notorious and not limited to his novels. The researcher Boleslaw Lewin was prevented to enter the Treasure Room to conduct their research by his Jewishness, and in a humiliating way it limited to the general ward. A modest pogrom was carried out well in the library facilities. Lewin was the author of critical works on Tupac Amaru and the South American independence, reviewing the files of the Inquisition in Peru. The Polish researcher exile in Argentina, dedicated his life to studying the emancipation of our country unraveling the inquisitorial vein underlying the depth of our historical societies and never stops coming at length to us. Martínez

Zuviría, who wrote under the pseudonym Hugo Wast known, published novels, anti-Semitic, as Kahal and Oro, which has a Jewish conspiracy to seize Buenos Aires in 1950 alquimísticas techniques to make gold and ruin the finance capitalists.

Click on the headline to read the full article at the original source


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