The proximity May 1, Labour Day, we salute all our fellow workers libraries
This Saturday is a day of struggle and a tribute to the Martyrs of Chicago. These workers anarchists were executed in the United States for its participation in the days of struggle for the vindication of the right to eight-hour workday, which originated in the strike that began on May 1, 1886 and its peak three days later , May 4 in the Revolt of Haymarket (1 )
In these times where information is abundant and scarce knowledge and learning for the less fortunate, access to sources information literature, arts, communication tools, it becomes critical to avoid being marginalized in the social fabric.
libraries workers are knowledge workers . We can be responsible for facilitating access to information sources, opening the possibility of questioning the reality, to create spaces where literature and art are thirsty source for humanity, for proposing meeting spaces for the community where we work and facilitate the building of ties of solidarity.
In libraries, books, videos, magazines, maps, etc.. provided and not sold. That is a tip of this great ball for thinking about the role that libraries play in the capitalist system. Socialize information and not just turn it into good for our role in the economic board. Urge
think of ourselves as political and cultural as opposed to the concept of aseptic professional from hegemonic trends in schools of library and documentation related to the neoliberal thinking is trying to impose.
From the current work in libraries want this May 1st is a day of reflection on the potential underlying collective action to achieve the necessary changes towards a society with equality of opportunities.
current Collective Library Workers for Social Change